Part of creating your comprehensive treatment plan is providing a broad range of surgical and non-surgical procedures that address your individual concerns. Drs. Loren and Mark Clayman each take the time to listen and understand how you would like to enhance your body and find treatment options that restore your confidence in your appearance.
Our plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery services target various concerns that you may be facing, and we encourage you to learn more about the procedures offered at Dr. Clayman’s Plastic Surgery Center & Miracle Spa by scheduling a personal consultation.
Breast augmentation
During breast augmentation, your surgeon will use implants to add fullness to the breasts. Whether due to pregnancy, weight loss, natural aging or heredity, the breasts can appear disproportionate to the rest of the body. Many women choose to have implants inserted to enhance their personal aesthetic and feel more self-confident.
If you’re experiencing the effects of facial aging, facelift surgery may be able to restore a youthful appearance. Surgery will target sagging cheeks, jowls, fine lines and facial creases as well as reduce loose skin and excess fatty deposits along the face and neck. The result is firmer skin that helps you appear younger. Also available is a mini-facelift, which is less extensive in procedure but can refresh your appearance with a shorter recovery period.
Isolated fatty deposits may be making it difficult to achieve your ideal body contour, and diet and exercise may not be doing much to help. Liposuction removes stubborn fatty deposits around the body by suctioning out the subcutaneous fat and permanently removing it from the body. Once eliminated, you will achieve a slimmer profile and more appealing figure.
Although you may maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly, stubborn pockets of fat may refuse to disappear. As a nonsurgical solution to body contouring, CoolSculpting can freeze away unwanted fat cells and provide a slimmer figure. No incisions or anesthesia are necessary, and you can undergo a single treatment session in just under an hour. It’s a quick, efficient and highly effective method for reducing fat.
General facial aging can detract from your appearance, but much of the natural aging process occurs along the eyes, making you look tired, worried or even angry. With eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), you can rejuvenate your eyes to appear more alert and youthful. Surgery targets the upper eyelids while medical-grade skin care products treat the lower lids.
Tummy tucks
Childbirth, weight loss, and aging can all contribute to sagging skin around the abdomen, which may make you feel out of shape or unattractive. Additionally, diet and exercise rarely correct skin laxity on their own. That’s why many patients resort to tummy tuck surgery to tighten the skin, reduce excess fat and tighten abdominal muscles. As a result, your stomach appears firm and more toned.
Whether because of child birth or natural aging, the inner and outer labia can lose their elasticity, causing sagging skin that may create cosmetic concerns or physical discomfort. Removing the excess skin through labiaplasty can improve the appearance of the vagina as well as make it more comfortable to perform everyday activities.
You may desire rhinoplasty if you have cosmetic concerns about your nose or for functional reasons. A deviated septum or narrow nostrils can contribute to breathing abnormalities and require surgery to improve your quality of life. Rhinoplasty is also capable of helping the nose become balanced with the rest of the face.
No Sweat Special
Dr. Clayman offers BOTOX treatment as a way to reduce wrinkles in the skin; however, BOTOX is also FDA-approved to target excessive underarm sweating known as hyperhidrosis. If you are suffering from hyperhidrosis, your abnormal sweating can cause significant embarrassment, but with the No Sweat Special, you can reduce underarm sweat without hurting your budget.
The ears can be a cause of concern for both adults and children, making them feel self-conscious about their appearance. You may suffer from asymmetrical ears or ears that project from the head and cause unwanted attention. Otoplasty helps the ears become more proportional with the rest of the head so that they blend in naturally.
Injectables / Fillers
One of the most common signs of aging is a loss of volume in the face, which often results in wrinkles, facial creases, and sunken features. To combat natural aging without the use of surgery, you may benefit from injectable treatment with dermal fillers, which work to restore volume to the face. With an increase in fullness, you will regain the plump and smooth skin that you once had in your youth.
Spa Treatment
The Miracle Spa offers nonsurgical treatment options that address several cosmetic issues. Whether you are looking to receive CoolSculpting, laser hair removal, facials and chemical peels or any of our other therapeutic services, Dr. Clayman offers spa packages that are each performed by qualified, experienced and licensed staff.
Nearly 40-60% of men suffer from gynecomastia (or enlarged male breasts), impacting them socially if they feel self-conscious about their bodies. Male breast reduction surgery removes the excess fat and glandular tissues causing an increase in breast size and restructures the chest wall to look more masculine and firm.
During your consultation, you can discuss your individual concerns and find a solution that achieves your cosmetic goals. Dr. Loren or Mark Clayman perform many procedures, other than those listed here, that they can combine to create optimal results for you. They will ensure that you have the information you need to make a meaningful decision about your health and appearance.
If you would like more information about the services we offer, contact Dr. Clayman’s Plastic Surgery Center & Miracle Spa at (904) 208-2727 and schedule an appointment.