Your age, environment and lifestyle will gradually determine how your skin changes over time. Eventually, you may begin to notice fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet and age spots on your skin that make you appear older than you really are.
Obtaining younger-looking skin is possible; it’s a matter of finding the technique that will work best for you. If you are experiencing the beginning signs of aging, you may not be ready for more invasive procedures. Microdermabrasion is often a popular treatment method for patients who want to improve the texture of their skin without surgery.
How Does Microdermabrasion Work?
Microdermabrasion (also known as the Parisian Peel) is a noninvasive and nonsurgical method for removing the outermost layer of skin, which serves to eliminate imperfections that detract from your appearance. With fine micro aluminum oxide crystals coupled with a suction effect, a handheld device emits a spray that exfoliates and peels away damaged skin cells. As a result, a fresh layer of skin appears.
Microdermabrasion also stimulates collagen and elastin — two substances that are responsible for producing healthy skin cells. Once activated, the proteins will turn over dead skin and reveal a vibrant complexion.
Can Microdermabrasion Benefit You?
Microdermabrasion is ideal for patients with minor skin imperfections but who still maintain sufficient skin elasticity. The procedure will not tighten the skin or produce a lifting effect as surgery would.
Because microdermabrasion is a noninvasive treatment, the appearance of your results will be a gradual process. As collagen and elastin begin to repair the skin, you will notice a reduction in the abnormalities you are experiencing.
Your clinician can help you determine whether you will benefit from microdermabrasion. With a thorough skin evaluation and a discussion about your cosmetic concerns, you can learn more about the treatments that are available. If you exhibit significant skin laxity or more severe facial aging, it’s possible that you would benefit more from a surgical procedure.
Microdermabrasion: The Procedure
When undergoing microdermabrasion, you shouldn’t feel any pain; however, you might experience a warming sensation as the crystals glide over your skin. Once the surface layers of skin are gone, the new layer will be sensitive to the sun, making it vital that you use adequate sun protection.
Your microdermabrasion procedure should last no longer than 30 to 60 minutes, and you should not experience any significant side effects afterward. Your clinician may recommend that you receive five to ten procedures spaced two to three weeks apart for the best results.
The number of treatment sessions you undergo will depend on your cosmetic goals and the imperfections you are experiencing. During a consultation, you can discuss a treatment regimen that works for you.
Once your skin has healed from microdermabrasion, you will immediately notice a smoother look and feel, even after just one treatment. Microdermabrasion can also be performed prior to a chemical peel, in tandem with a facial, or prior to injectable treatment. The procedure is completely customizable to your needs.
For more information about microdermabrasion, or to find out whether the procedure is right for you, contact Dr. Clayman’s Plastic Surgery Center & Miracle Spa at (904)388-6110 and schedule a consultation .